




ブラックプール・ダンス・フェスティバルのプロ・スタンダードの講評がDance TV News にありましたので見ていきたいと思います。


The Dance Review - Anne Gleave reports on the British Open Professional Ballroom Championship 2024

They have a strong belief in the area of Ballroom Dancing they aspire to and this is admirable. I love that their dancing is on the verge of totally free movement, naturalism and purity which is highly desirable and for me the beauty of their dancing. This is why they have so many fans because ostensibly the dancer in all of us recognises a “truth” about what they are trying to do. That they polarise opinion is not a surprise to me for sometimes the freedom of motion can rapidly become exaggerated in posture, shapes and line and I am sure not the style of Ballroom Dancing they truly wish to produce visually, but they probably feel great! However I commend their Tango as exceptional. The feel for dancing is gorgeous and they are always a tantalising Ballroom Dancing feast and fascinating to watch.

WDO世界選手権のリン(とアマンダ)氏のものより、好印象な感じですよね。まあ、あちらはWDO系のThe Openに出てくれなかったかったというのもあったのかな。。


■2位 フェドル&アナ
Many congratulations on being placed 2nd in every dance. The most significant dancing Fedor and Anna have produced was at the International Championships last year where the swing of the arms and body weight was outstanding. Although they were consistent and highly proficient on this occasion, for me this was not their best dancing. They like the winners, are tenacious and truly sincere about their performances and will be completely honest as to how they move forward from here and we can’t wait! 

The Openのときもやや元気がない気もしましたが、それにしてもイゴル&リカの下になる?と思ったので。。だってイゴル&リカ、いいのかもしれませんが、フロアクラフトが上手くいかず立ち往生したりも結構あったし、SFでは途中でやめかけて舌を出したり等々してましたよね?!。でも、彼らはそれでも順位が高めなので、私たちが知らない何かがあるのかしら。。

■3位 イゴル&リカ
I watched this competition from the second round and when I saw their shift of movement it took my breath away. That was a wow factor! Had the competition finished at the 3rd round they could have potentially won the competition. Young though they may be, 7 rounds is an unenviable challenge and it does highlight the economics of the performance. Therefore counter-balances to the enormous shift is an essential part of the development. I am sure we feel moved by the obvious joy they feel in being able to compete during such a difficult time in their lives. 

高評価ですよね。同じウクライナのスタス&ナタリアは、WDC等の姿勢(ロシア寄り?など)から去年に引き続き出場していないので、ありがとうという感じ? ウクライナ勢は若手も、The Openは出るけどBPFに出ない組も結構いたみたい。。

■4位 ガエタノ&エマニュエラ
Consistency is the name of the game for these two. Excellent competitors who never give up and I believe truly adore competing. There is so much potential for powerful movement and I always feel it is on the verge of breaking through. It is time to take a few chances and let go of the tension! 
この 2 人にとって重要なのは一貫性です。決して諦めない優秀な競技者たちであり、私は競争することに心から憧れていると信じています。パワフルな動きには大きな可能性があり、それが突破されようとしていると常に感じています。いくつかのチャンスを掴んで緊張を解放する時が来ました!


■5位 カイル&アリッサ
This was the pleasant surprise of the night for me. A complete transformation from 6 months ago when I saw them dancing in the British Closed. They looked balanced in space and energy and the weight over foot was actually some of the best of the night. This was very good Ballroom Dancing and I was delighted to see it.

地元イギリスですし、コングレスやチームマッチでも頑張っていたので良かったね、という感じでしょうか。彼らのようなYounger Professionalが登場して、WDC・WDOのスタンダードも盛り上がってきましたよね。今はイゴル&リカが一つ抜けている感がありますが、まだこの混戦は続きそうです。

■6位 マディス&リイス
 Happy people, happy dancing. I rarely see these two without a smile on their faces and that’s wonderful! This dancing shifts like the wind that is for sure. This is their major attribute, coupled with the fact that they make the shift look so easy and energetic. Variation of speeds and emotion would give them a more rounded appeal but a bright future ahead for them I am sure. 

彼らはBPFに向けては、去年より、The Openより、控えめに、とてもソフトに踊るように調整してきた印象なので、スピード等はまたこれから出してくるかと思います。

■7位 シーチェン&マンニ
What an incredible result and how happy they must be! This partnership has come full circle from dancing together as amateurs and now as professionals. They are physically perfect for each other and resulted in making this major final on their first outing. Of course there are lots to improve but for the moment enjoy the glory! 


■8位 Jianan Peng and Jiaci Zhong (Philip and Joanne)
These two were at times breathtaking with some magnificent moments of movement. This not what I would call powerful dancing, but it is powerful in it’s message. Joanne is a lovely dancer and is a true artist.


■9位 アレックス&エカテリーナ
The most elegant and beautiful couple on the floor with lots of potential. From the waist up they always look like they could be the Champions but from the waist down work needs done and this becomes more and more apparent as the competition continues. They are dedicated and sincere about their dancing and I know they will do the work.


■9位 ミハル&サンドラ
What a terribly disappointing result they had. They are fabulous dancers and the weight shift when it’s good is from heaven! Creating clarity of style in all areas of their dancing would bring I feel clarity in their results.


■RS4位 五月女組の講評(David Trueman 氏)
プロ・スタンダードとは別のレポートでライジング・スター・アマチュアのもありました。アン氏ではなくDavid Trueman という人のものです。

4th Eika Sotome and Partner a great level of technical awareness that was without doubt contributing to their overall finishing positions which was, Fourth in Waltz, Tango and Quickstep and Third in the Foxtrot. Consistency was their clear game plan as one could see nothing was left to chance. There was a persuasion of dance flare excellence which provided such an attractive portrayal of the chosen choreography and the changing rhythms.


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  ダンスの観戦に便利な情報をまとめておこうと思います。随時更新予定です。 ■試合日程  ・2025の試合日程(海外中心)→ 記事 ■豆知識  ・ダンスの団体について→ 記事
